Winter Notes

Currently, our biggest issue is helping Jenny and the other small group homes that are part of the Residential Care Providers Network (RCPN) lobby the state legislature for changes to the proposed Assisted Living Licensure Rules. It’s all hands on deck, with several key dates happening early in January. If you are able to help by writing comments, attending a meeting, or contacting your state legislators, be sure to check out the GET INVOLVED pages to learn more.

In December, we received a tremendous outpouring of support from friends of Breck, and have been able to honor Jenny’s last request of 2020 - new kitchen gear for both houses. So many of the day-to-day pots, pans, and utensils were warped or worse, that it was past time to go shopping for some sturdy stainless steel and indestructible (we hope) tools to make kitchen life a little easier for the staff.

The Board will have its annual meeting in mid-January to review finances, and receive any new requests from Jenny. This is always a good time to look at new ways to help the team, so if you would like to join us as a friend of the board, or have a suggestion you think we should consider, send an email to:

And finally - looking forward to a post-Covid world, I have already been thinking about the menu for the next Breck Gala Dinner. Last years’ party was a blast - and we raised some serious money for the fund. Look for more information later in 2021. Once again, we will look to Bjornson Vineyards (hardy Minnesotans now making beautiful wine in Oregon) to supply us with wines for each course of the feast. At the moment, it looks like it will happen in late summer/early fall - but if we can safely get it on the calendar sooner, we most certainly will, since if we ever need a year to celebrate, this will be the one!